Looking for ideas to help Connect With Your Life? Here's a few of mine.........
Each morning smile and welcome the day
Brush your teeth with your non dominant hand
Sing in the car
Give out 5 compliments
Initiate a hug with a loved one, and hold just that little bit longer
Sit in silence and listen to your heart
Do something spontaneous
Commit to being positive..it's a choice
Laugh regularly
Drink more water
Accept help when it is offered
Practice compassion
Hold your face to the sun and give thanks
Try a new food
List 4 things from the day you are grateful for
Treat yourself kindly
Cross something off your To Do list without even doing it
Before you get aggravated with a coworker, stop and think "is it worth it"
Send a note to a loved one telling them their qualities you admire
Get more sleep
Park a little further away, take the stairs and jump rope
Buy a pack of gum (sugar free of course) and have a bubble blowing contest
Plan YOU time
Log how much time you spend on your phone and reduce the time each day
Sing in the shower
Turn off the TV
Make a time capsule
Acknowledge some one's pains and struggles
Just listen
Say I'm sorry
Perform Random Acts of Kindness weekly
Do something out of your comfort zone
Take chances
You don't always have to be right
Smile at a stranger
Take a walk
Show appreciation more frequently
Slow dance
Write down a story from your childhood
Let your guard down
Ask for help when you need it
Wear something that you normally wouldn't
Lend a hand
Anticipate others needs
The split second before you go to do something...stop & really notice, be in the moment
Use positive words like "that means a lot", "I'm here if you need me" and "You've got this"
Practice patience with yourself and others