Looking for a little motivation to Connect With Your Life?
Here's a sprinkle of just that...go ahead, give some of these a try!
- Unplug:eliminate time zappers for a few hours
- Write a list of things you are grateful for
- Go for a walk & look for signs of the season changing
- Sit in a quiet space and hum a tune..nothing in particular, make it up as you go!
- Call a loved one and just chat
- Go through an old photo album....before they were digitized
- Write a note to yourself, granted the first line will probably be "how bizarre this feels"...but go on to shower yourself with good wishes, dreams and positive thoughts.
- Laugh
- Gather pictures out of magazines that make you smile. Assemble them in a notebook, include words & phrases that encourage & motivate you.
- Turn up the music and just dance!