April 11, 2016

Political Talk......

"Walls turned sideways are bridges" ~ Angela Davis
With the talk of "building a wall" being heavily tossed around in the political arena lately......a smile truly came to my face when the above quote and photo from Gratefulness.org arrived in my inbox. 

I thought how amazing it would be if perception shifted and alternatives were considered, all in an effort to create a stronger, more positive functioning world!

Please visit this site A Network for Grateful Living to find inspiration and motivation. You can also sign up for a daily quote delivered to your email if you like.


April 2, 2016

Shutting Out The World.....

Woke this morning to the sound of heavy rain. Darkness filled the room as if it was closer to evening than dawn. I contemplated getting out of bed to start my day. A lengthy To Do list for things I am working on, piles of laundry, rugs to be vacuumed, toilets to be cleaned and dusting to be done, all awaited me.

I continued listening to the rain and realized it was lulling me back into a state of slumber, as well as a feeling of disconnect from my knee jerk reaction to get out of bed and get my day started. 

Who am I to fight? I'm not a fighter...one of the traits I do admire about myself

So I went with my inner voice that reassured me...."time for you"! I popped on the TV, relaxed as I channel surfed and admired gardens, homes and vacations that all took me to magical places.

Eventually I decided to slither out of bed and head downstairs, where I was welcomed by darkened rooms with shades still drawn, rain pinging off the skylights and the sense of being in my own cocoon of sorts. 

A feeling of shutting out the world took over and I reveled in it. I was reminded that sometimes in order to Connect With Your Life, you must remove yourselves from it.

So that's what I am doing today Dear Readers. Shades will stay closed in order to shut out the world. There will be curling up on the couch with tea, magazines, books and hopefully for some of it, my special guy too!

To Do lists, toilets and laundry can wait...and they will. For today I am in my own cocoon! Perhaps tomorrow I will spread my wings.......on the outside!