January 12, 2018

It Really Is All How You Look At It....

A year has gone by since I've posted. Ugh! Really??? And are you kidding me, Maria? fill my head. But thankfully, constantly filling my head are also "bloggable" moments.

Like the other morning, doing the dash to get from here, there and everywhere, I went into the bathroom to find a left out razor and whiskers in the sink. Really??? pops into my mind again. Here's the rub, I like family members to clean up after themselves! It's a thing for me and an intensified "thing" because I'm faced with stuff around daily, let's be honest, it's not a realistic expectation that they will always put away. (OK! I REALLY DO think it is realistic, in my own world... but I'm working on thinking like them a little bit more)

So as I looked for the positive and reminded myself of what I know deep inside, of being grateful for the many blessings in my life...I saw it..... the smiley face.

Here's another....covered under layers of finish on the floor at work I spotted this silver heart. Who knew? Probably been there for years! But on that particular day I finally saw it. A colleague and I took it as a sign! A real good sign!

Delighted to think, my constant self prescribed "look for the good" once again pays off!

So Dear Readers, as we kick off a new year, commit to paying attention throughout your day! You never know what gentle reminders you will find, when you look at things a different way.

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