January 24, 2016

It's a New Day..............

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."~Ralph Waldo Emerson 

I am often encouraged by the thought of a new day, the promise it brings and the choices I will be faced with. Welcoming the belief...where there are choices, there are possibilities!!!

January 14, 2016

When We Look With Our Hearts.....

First Thought: Really? What a mess!! Can't anyone besides me clean up!!

When I really looked:
How Blessed I am to share a studio sink with artists I love dearly
and have this fun abstract image as a result!

First thought: pretty obvious...I need to dust!

When I really looked:
Removing the antique lace really lets the beauty of not dusting 
shine through 

First Thought: Toss out this shredded packing

When I really looked:
The beautiful shape of a fabulous heart rock I received
from an awesome guy on the west coast that I love calling my son!
(who is moving back east in three weeks)

My gentle reminder for today Dear Readers.... there are many ways to look at things. In a Where's Waldo kind of way, look for various options and select the one that finds the good, the happier, the kinder and the less stress resulting.

In my next post I'll share how I apply this approach in a variety of situations and the positive results I've discovered.
Now, that being said there's not always a storybook ending....but a girl can dream ~ 

January 3, 2016

Less Is More....

Organizing begins of closet and life
Few days in to the new year and I'm thinking about all my "would like to accomplish" things, however not to get overwhelmed I think about what I've actually achieved so far:
Began organizing the annex closet  
Back to eating consciously  
Less online time just surfing around √ 
Jumped rope  
Mindful/reflective time to listen in the silence

Let's not get carried away and overwhelm ourselves with making our goals and wishes of change or additions crazy out of reach! Remember we want to succeed. I find in achieving the small things a momentum starts to build and we can kick start our own accomplishments and be energized to do more. 

The way I offer looking at it today Dear Readers is this, whatever we do, however small in an effort for change, it is MORE than if we haven't done anything at all! 

Each task or challenge is an opportunity to Connect With Your Life!!

Go ahead, what are you going to make happen today?