September 20, 2015

Gentle Reminder.........

My husband (of 26 years...yikes) and I left this past Friday night with a weekend get away plan.......Disconnect to stay connected!

With Life wildly busy and chock full of things to do, we decided to sneak away for a weekend of very limited nonsense talk about all we have to do for our upcoming events or discuss decisions we need to make regarding emptying the septic, how damp the basement is and if anything is growing down there or the hole that has been in the dining room ceiling for over 6 months from when I jumped up to see if the "spot was still wet from the upstairs bathroom leak" and my fingers poked right through....who knew I could jump with such great force! 

Leaving those and all similar topics aside, we headed out for a weekend by the water to share in relaxation and connecting!

Full length conversations, reflections of years gone by and sharing dreams and future plans, along with laughter, sunrises, reading for hours and yummy food...started to work their magic.

We felt stresses drift away and a peacefulness wash over us, offering a sense of new energy to bring home with us. Now that's a souvenir! 

As the trip came to a close, I was reminded that all that we enjoyed is also at our fingertips at home. OK not the ocean...but the disconnecting from technology and each curling up with a book, chatting about "fun stuff" and   limiting conversation of all that is on our TO DO lists from time to time (I will try and stop jumping, so that should help)

Make the effort too Dear Readers and feel the benefits it provides. It makes the mundane and day to day feel just that bit easier to handle and perhaps the sink full of dirty dishes won't make you shout from the roof top "for the love of all things I the only one who knows how to use the dish washer!!!!"  Or is that just me who gets cranky sometimes??

September 13, 2015

Strength In The Darkness.............

Sometimes beauty is in front of us, like these heartfelt sunflowers I came home to. With their punch of color & promise of happiness each time I look at them, I smiled and gave thanks.

Beauty and Blessings are not always this easy to see, and I feel the searching during times of darkness can truly reveal the breath of life we are so needing to find.

Words of encouragement to family, friends and you Dear Readers who may need a reminder that the Blessings are there..and for now if you can use this sunflower and the promise of times getting easier and you feeling stronger because of it and being reminded of how strong you truly are!

September 5, 2015

James Taylor Wisdom.....................

As summer winds down here on the East Coast (by the calendar anyway...not by the forecast) I think about what I accomplished and didn't the past couple of months! 

In the "not so much" category was housework... which is fine by me, because quite honestly summer and housework should only be in the same sentence if separated by the words "not a priority to me".

So this morning, to kickoff Labor Day weekend I decided to do just that, a bit of labor, for an hour. I cranked 'ole reliable James Taylor and got to sprucing up the place.

My take away from the task was much more about the music and much less about what I was doing. 

JT's words resonated and spoke to me...once again!

My favorite for today was the line "the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time, any fool can do it....."! How great & true is that!?!? If you'd like to give a listen, here is a great version on YouTube

Take a moment Dear Readers and think about how you can make it part of your own life. Make choices that enhance your days.

Let the house work, or whatever your "thing" is, go from time to time...listen to your heart and make happen all you can to create a Lifetime of enjoying the passage of time.

It's a beautiful way to Connect With Your Life!

Thanks Mr.Taylor..words to live by!