July 26, 2015

Finding Change.......

Taking a ride..to change the scenery
There are many ways to get stuck! In mud, in a situation, in traffic or how about stuck in a zippered dress in a store changing room that you really thought you could squeeze into?!... No! me neither on that last one!

The STUCK I am talking about today is..... in Life! That's me every once in a while! Hadn't originally realized it on my own, but in fact I was.... stuck in the routine of my days, just going along and not hearing the whispers. The whispers of gratitude and inspiration go missing, so I had thought....in fact they were there all along!

During one of these times a Dear Friend said to me "you're stuck"! and it resonated a big 'ole Cher in Moonstruck moment..."Snap Out Of It"!!! (see that clip here)

Dear Readers, we all get stuck and I believe we all have the ability to ease those times....I have found incorporating simple tips into my day, the stuck times are less frequent and the less stress is greater! Worth a try?   Here's one I like... smile upon waking in the morning (ideally before opening your eyes) feel that quick moment of silliness and commit to making an effort to approach things differently today! 

Throughout the day, allow yourself to take four seconds to decide before something bothers you. Consciously decide... is it worth it?? Letting it go will deposit "change" into your emotional bank to draw from. The more you deposit clearly the more you have!

In my next few posts I will share suggestions for you to consider adding to your Life! Together we've got this ~  Connect With Your Life!


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